Why Buy MREs?

MREs for Emergency Preparedness The frequency of climate-related natural disasters has been steadily increasing since the 1970s. Climate-related disasters are hydrologically and/or meteorologically driven and include floods, storm surge, tropical cyclones, heat/cold waves, drought and wildfires. Think back to the last four years in the United States-we’ve experienced each of these types of disasters at least once with a new and alarming severity.
The New England Journal of Medicine reports, “there were three times as many natural disasters between 2000 to 2009 compared to the amount between 1980 and 1989. A vast majority (80 percent) of this growth is due to climate-related events.”
We are facing a new breed of natural disasters that last longer, happen more frequently, and are more intense. You’ve got to up your game too. And there’s really no reason to be unprepared when it’s as easy as purchasing a case of MREs. Keeping food on hand means you won’t have to rely on emergency services or stand in long food lineups. Instead of worrying where your next meal is going to come from, you can spend “week one” of an emergency or disaster getting your family back on its feet (or bunkering down at home).
Let’s say you’ve got to evacuate in five minutes-what kind of food are you going to bring? Snacks and canned food will only get you so far, especially with gridlocked traffic and empty stores. Because people use their cars in 75 percent of evacuations (CSEPP, 2006), many of our customers include MREs in their car emergency kits.
How many MREs do you need? We recommend the consumption of one or two MREs per person per day, which works out to between 1,100 and 2,500 calories (a child might be at the lower end of this).
One case of 12 three-course MREs will provide a full six day food supply for one person. Alternatively, one case of 12 will feed four people well for two days. Tack one six-pack of two-course MREs onto this and you’ve got yourself (and three other people) a 72-hour food supply, which is recommended by FEMA.
MREs for Police, Fire, and Emergency Workers
MREs (Meals, Ready to Eat) are the preferred field ration for emergency workers across North America. And for good reason: when time is of the essence and minutes make the difference, workers can rely on MREs to provide a quick and delicious meal.
A hot, tasty MRE can be a big morale booster in an emergency situation when buying a meal is impossible, especially for fire fighters and hot shots in remote locations. MREs can be easily stored in their vehicles or stockpiles without spoilage.
Getting a nutritious meal is even more difficult for emergency workers during cold winters. After working in frigid temperatures to rescue stranded civilians, to repair snow-damaged infrastructure, or to provide support in weather-induced traffic accidents, a hot meal can make all the difference. That’s where MREs beat all other field rations-a flameless ration heater is included in each individual MRE, providing a piping hot meal any time, any where.
On a per meal basis, our shelf-stable MREs are less expensive than a meal voucher. Each case provides a wide variety of 100 percent U.S. military food items-from Meatballs in Marinara to Beef Ravioli to Hash Browns with Bacon-packed with energy so that emergency workers can perform at their best.
For these reasons, disaster relief organizations like Reach Out Worldwide, Team Rubicon, and Direct Relief rely on Meal Kit Supply MREs to fuel their relief missions.

MREs as Backcountry and Camping Food
You probably wouldn’t want to chow down while you’re in the middle of a lake in your canoe, but with Meal Kit Supply MREs you could. Each 1,100-1,200 calorie MRE includes a flameless ration heater that allows you to have a hot meal whenever you want, wherever you want. Even better? It’s activated with only 30 mL of any type of water (puddles, snow, lakes-these are all OK!).
What makes MREs most suited to outdoor adventures is that they’re completely ruggedized-you can throw them into your crammed backpack and forget about them until it’s lunchtime (even if there’s a torrential down pour drenching your gear). MREs can be dropped into water or off cliffs because they’re water resistant, impact proof and hermetically sealed against contaminants and pests. Their special seals mean bears and other wildlife can’t smell the food items inside.
What’s the difference between MREs and freeze dried meals? MREs are ready to eat, unlike freeze dried meals. So when you’ve been exerting yourself outside all day and want to avoid the hassle of starting a fire or assembling your camping stove to boil water, choose MREs. Preparing your camping food with a stove not only takes longer, but it translates to extra weight in your pack (the stove, fuel, and accessories). These qualities make MREs comparatively light-weight for the calories provided.
The flameless ration heater also offers an effective alternative to campfires in areas which prohibit them. As California and much of the west experiences their worst drought in over 1,200 years, fire restrictions in forest lands have become tighter. Don’t risk starting a forest fire for lunch when MREs offer fire-ban-friendly camping food.
MREs for Pandemics
Most people know it's a good idea to have some extra food in the pantry, but finding the time to plan and stock an emergency supply can be hard. A good general rule of thumb is a 2-week supply of food in case of emergency. During a pandemic, it may be difficult to find certain items in stock. It also may not be safe for your health to go grocery shopping when social distancing is crucial.
MREs are not only loaded with nutritional value, but they are pre-planned meals hat make shopping easy. MRE's are easy to store, and have a 5-year shelf life.